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Quality Regulatory Compliance LLC (QRC) was founded in April 2006 by Richard Aleman, President. Richard Aleman has 28 years of experience with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), both at the FDA headquarters level and in the Office of Regulatory Affairs, as part of the field organization. International experience and consultancies include assignments with the World Health Organization and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, as well as an FDA representative/presenter at international conferences in El Salvador, Venezuela, Guatemala, Philippine Islands, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marina Islands.

In August, 2000, Richard Aleman successfully made the transition from government service to the regulated industry, where his career focused on small to mid-size pharmaceutical companies. He served in the position of Director of Compliance during this time, and his responsibilities included aspects dealing with quality assurance, quality control and regulatory affairs. Additional responsibilities included establishing and managing both the internal and external audit programs. International experience included conducting Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API) audits in Switzerland and India.


The experience level of QRC and associates spans all FDA program areas, including, but not limited to: foods, drugs, cosmetics, medical devices, biologics, veterinary products, bio-research, as well as, import/export, and international operations. QRC, through it’s president, Richard Aleman and associates, brings to our clients the experience, integrity, credibility, and confidence level necessary to assure your company will be in total compliance with the laws, regulations, and policy & procedures administered by the FDA.

We take our clients Beyond Compliance

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